WP leader: Szent Istvan University, Erika Michéli
As a first task we will generate spatial soil information for the four 1:1 million-scale windows. The second task is compilation of a harmonised soil data base for these windows.
In the first task, legacy soil data from two representative windows in Europe, one in Morocco, and one China will be used to compile soil mapping units within the WP1 terrain units. Soil patterns will be enhanced using optical, medium-resolution remote sensing imagery.
In the second task, the SOTER soil component data structure will be revised to allow inclusion of new soil attributes. The activities are subdivede into:
- Soil attribute data derived from existing national (and some international) databases will be translated into defined standards before importation into the e-SOTER database. Where applicable, pedotransfer rules will be used to generate missing information from available parameters.
- Translation algorithms based on the results of the ongoing FP6 ENVASSO project will be developed; and
- Compilation of the soil attribute database.
We will deliver a complete coverage of the SOTER soil units for the four 1:1 million-scale windows with harmonized soil classification and analytical soil data in a revised SOTER soil component data structure.
Correlations between the French soil classification (CPCS) and WRB were discussed during a field tour in 2010 when some of major soils of the Moroccan window area were visited by members of WP1 and 2:
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