WP leader: ISRIC, Vincent van Engelen
We will present the results during two conferences:
- at the conclusion of WP1, 2 and 3, and
- at the end of the project.
The conferences will enable dialogue between project team members and user groups from:
• data management (Task DA-06-01: GEOSS Data Sharing Principles)
• interoperability
• capacity building (Task CB-07-01d: Building National and Regional Capacity)
• agriculture (Task AG-07-03: Operational Agricultural Monitoring System)
- Global soil platforms (existing and emerging):
• GlobalSoilMap initiative (CIESIN, Earth Institute Columbia University, NRCS-USDA, CSIRO, CGIAR, JRC, ISRIC)
- Soil and natural resources institutes of EU member countries, Mediterranean and Near East countries not represented in the e-SOTER Consortium.
The presented e-SOTER results and planned products will be assessed by the conference participants. Suggested modifications will be considered for implementation in the application and dissemination WPs.